b. 1940
For Niren, art is an expression of inner language. Hiscommunion with happenings around him evolves and reflects in his works. Hisworks are aesthetic expressions of his inner reflections infused with serenity,sacrifice, service and beauty
Life is a constant journey for self-realisation, aim is torise above the mundane and attain the state of supreme consciousness. Niren’sspiritual journey is integrated with his art. He finds lasting beauty in theserenity of the total surrender of monks of Ramakrishna Mission for service tomankind, often portraying monks from the mission in saffron robes, symbolizingthe spirit of sacrifice. A long association with the mission has brought peacein his life.
His art depicts the universe in all its abundance and multiplicityof life and form. Yet within and behind this complexity lies the omniscienttranscendental spirit, which itself is without form. The muted language ofsymbolism, encouraging contemplation over the deeper context is contained inall his works .Elements like the lotus, the auspicious banana tree and usage ofbright colours make repeated appearances, and help reinforce the underlinedmessage of hope for all mankind.
He believes that human lives have a likeness to that of a river;playfully wild and temperamental in its youth ,determinedly making its wayduring midlife and calmly contemplating surrender as it nears the sea. Life isabout constantly, seeking, learning and growing.
Niren Sen is a former Principal of College of Art, New Delhiwith teaching experience of over 30 years in graduate & post-graduatelevels in various art institutions.