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    Virendra Kumar
    Virendra Kumar
    Read Interview
    Location:  N/A

    BORNIN 03rd March 1969 at Bihiya, Distt-Bojpur (Bihar)     


    Kumar'sabstract layering with paint cityscapes by arial view where the signs andtextures reveal his modernist consciousness. Bands of color juxtaposed againsteach other create bold ascensions and recessions. He is exploring differentaspects of environmental experiences and putting on his canvases. Nocturnalexplorations are his experiences of seeing city lights at night from height. Hesaw these lights while flying at night and crossing over different cities andsee light according to the planning of the colonies and streets.

    Theother experience a viewer gets as if he is in the space or seeing through thepowerful telescope deep into the scope. Space has always fascinated humanbeing. He is always curious to know in the space and goes on and on to theuniverse with infinite space. Similarly artist’s space, a blank canvas, invitesmany challenges. Dividing these spaces or creating different planes in thatavailable space in artist’s space.


    B.A. ( Geo ) Hons. 1991.

    B.F.A. First Class in painting from govt. college of Arts and Crafts Patna in 1997.


    2014- Journey Towards, Light,Lalit Kala Akademy, N.Delhi.
